Call for Competition
26 January 2024

GRUNI SDGs Center is excited to announce the “SDGs Awareness Competition.” This contest is an opportunity for talented individuals/teams to showcase their innovative skills to increase the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) awareness in Georgia.
What kind of competition are we conducting?
- Photo Contest
- Video Contest
- Art Contest
Who should apply?
- All interested parties: Individual or Group (maximum five members -
- Group is counted as one contestant)
- No age limitations
Basic Rules for Competition:
- Applicants (individual or group) can submit only ONE piece of work in each category
- Those who apply individually may not register in a group
- Group members may not submit their work individually or register with another group in the same category
- Submitted content should align with at least 1 of the 17 UN SDGs in Georgia and not in any other country
- There are no restrictions concerning project content (other than the below restrictions*), but content should be comprehensive and deliver the message of creating awareness to a broad audience o *Work MUST NOT include (implicit or explicit) pornographic and pedophilic parts/messages or promote any product or organization. o *Work MUST NOTpromote any political party, political idea, or commercial product and services.
- Work MUST NOT encourage or serve as propaganda of any form of violence or discrimination or as commercial for any product or service.
- Depiction of the problematic issues - including violence, discrimination, harassment, etc. can be allowed if it bears a vivid message AGAINST IT - But it should be appropriate for the public, all ages, including kids (e.g., depicting a problem with a clear purpose of denouncing it).
- Work MUST BE original, authored by, and belong to the participant(s). In case of plagiarism, project organizers, advisory board members, and international jury retain the right to disqualify participant(s) AT ANY STAGE OF THE CONTEST:
o Disqualified participant(s) will be denied any award, certificate, etc.
Photo/Video/Art Contest: For each category
- The winner will be awarded with a relevant certificate and minimum 2000 GEL.
- 2nd place finalist will be awarded with a relevant certificate and minimum 1000 GEL.
- All semi-finalists and finalists, including the first and second places winners, will receive a certificate of recognition from Libra Alliance.
Participants must submit:
- High-resolution photo in JPG or PNG format. Size must not exceed 2 MBs; o High-resolution video (preferably MP4 format) - Length must be at most 10 minutes; o High-resolution art (digital painting, painting, collage, sculpture, etc.) - JPG, PNG, or PDF with a minimum resolution of 300DPI (2D and 3D work are eligible). The file size should not exceed the specified limit of 500 KB;
- The paper for painting and poster will be provided (Size: Half of the standard Chart Paper, 35 x 28 cm) at the spot of the competition, but before that, upload a photo of the paper.
Apply now at thisLINK.
The deadline for applications is February 26, 2024.